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Cold Healthy fresh Juice

Cold Healthy fresh Juice

Here are tip's how to make Cold, Healthy and fresh Juice

3 Tip's for how to make cold, Healthy and Fresh Juice

1- Banana cocktail with almond milk for Diet

Banana cocktail with almond milk for Diet

Banana cocktail with almond milk for Diet .. To keep your diet  learn the easiest steps how to make healthy, delicious and easy drinks and enjoy the wonderful taste.

Cooking time

20 minutes

Enough for

2 people 


- Banana: 3 grains (peeled and cut into small pieces) 

- Almond milk: 3 cups (unsweetened) 

- Ice: 3 cubes

How to prepare

  1. Add ingredients to the electric mixer bowl, beating at a medium speed until a smooth, creamy mixture forms.
  2. Pour mixture into serving cups and serve immediately.


  2- Avocado and Banana Cocktail

Avocado and Banana Cocktail

Avocado and Banana Cocktail . In the summer, drink more fluids, such as juices and water, and enjoy a natural and delicious drink. 

Avocado with banana cocktail that is easy to prepare and rich in health benefits.

Cooking time

30 minutes

Enough for

4 people


- Avocado: 2 tablets (medium size) 
- condensed milk: a quarter cup (sweetened) 
- milk: a quarter cup 
- bananas: 1 grain (chopped) 
- whipping cream: a quarter cup (whipped / garnished) 

How to prepare

1.  Peel the avocado, remove the seeds, and place in an electric mixer

2.  Add sweetened condensed milk and milk until it becomes a homogeneous mixture

3.  Add the chopped bananas and mix

4.  Pour into the cups and decorate with whipped cream


3- Lemon cocktail

Lemon cocktail

Lemon Cocktail .. Lemon juice is one of the most cold drinks for the body. Make your family at home a useful, refreshing and important lemon cocktail for their health 

Cooking time

10 minute

Enough for

2 people


- Honey: Quarter cup 

- warm water: quarter cup 

- lemon juice: cup 

- soda water: 2 cups 

- lemon: as desired (rings / garnish) 

How to prepare

  1. Dissolve honey in water well, in a bowl, pour lemon juice.
  2. Lemon rings are distributed in each cup; Pour the lemon juice mixture until half the cup is filled, filling the second half with soda water.