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Grilled vegetable tray for diet

Grilled vegetable tray for Diet

Grilled vegetable tray for Diet

Grilled vegetables tray for Diet.. Prepare on your trip the most delicious grilled vegetable dishes in the oven with my lady's kitchen, a quick, good and light recipe on the stomach, serve it alongside meat or chicken

Cooking time 40 minutes
Enough for 4 people


- Tomato: 2 tablets (chopped cubes) 
- eggplant: 1 tablet (large size / minced cubes) 
- zucchini: 2 tablets (medium size / chopped cubes) 
- red pepper: 1 tablet (chopped squares) 
- onions: 1 grain (minced Slices) 
- Salt: 1 teaspoon 
- oregano: 1 teaspoon 
- olive oil: 3 tablespoons 
- black pepper: half a teaspoon 
- hot water: a quarter of a cup

How to prepare

  1. Mix the onion, eggplant, tomato, pepper and zucchini in an oven dish.
  2. Add oil, salt, pepper, oregano and my heart.
  3. Add water, cover with aluminum foil, and put in the oven at 200 degrees for 25 minutes.
  4. Remove the aluminum foil and saute the dish for 10 minutes, serve hot alongside grilled meat or chicken.